Brigitte Byrd grew up in France where she trained as a dancer before migrating to the United States. A transnational writer whose work reflects her interest in prose poetry and hybrid genres as well as otherness and/or alienation, she is the author of four collections of poems: Onomo, Flaubert! (Ahsahta Press, 2020), Song of a Living Room (Ahsahta Press, 2009), The Dazzling Land (Black Zinnias Press, 2008), and Fence Above the Sea (Ahsahta Press, 2005). The HuffPost Contemporary Poetry Reviews called her work Song of a Living Room some of the most accomplished prose poems of the decade.
Brigitte also serves as Associate Editor for Tupelo Quarterly.
Professor of English at Clayton State University, Dr. Brigitte Byrd specializes in poetry as a genre and performance theory. In 2005, she created the university's first visiting writers reading series, which she still coordinates. Since then, the series hosted multiple recipients of Pulitzer Prizes and other established authors as well as new voices. In 2022, she developed an advanced certificate in creative writing in the digital age that she now coordinates. Her pedagogy includes blogging at Byrdology